After I created and posted my Addition Timed Test Program, I had a lot of teachers reach out to me to see if I could create something similar for Multiplication. So here it is! My Multiplication Timed Test Program!

Not only does this program practice and assess multiplication fact fluency, but it also motivates students through rewards and recognition along the way.
Keep reading to see everything included in this program.
First, decide if you would like to use the full page or half page timed tests.
If you choose the half page option, you can use brochure holders to display your tests in for a neat and streamlined setup. It will keep your tests organized and make it easy for your students to find and grab their test papers.
I purchased my brochure holders from Amazon. You can find them HERE! You can choose to print your tests on either white or colored paper. Color coding the papers can also help students quickly identify their test.
Decide on a time limit you would like to set for your multiplication timed tests. The common time limit is one minute, but you can adjust that based on the age and skill level of your students.
Not only does this program include timed tests for facts 0-12, but it also includes doubles and two mixed multiplication assessments. Decide if you would like to assess your students on just facts 0-12 or if you would like to also include doubles and/or mixed multiplication facts for your program.
Choose how often you would like to give these timed tests in your classroom. For example: daily, weekly, every other day, etc.
Before you start the program, send home this parent note. It will explain how the program works and ways parents can help their child improve their fact fluency at home.
To begin the program, have every student start with the x0 timed test. When taking the tests, have your students put their name on their test and then turn their test face down on their desk. This will help prevent those “early starters.”
Set your timer. When you say, “Go!” have your students flip over their test and begin working. When the timer goes off have them immediately flip their test back over and turn their papers in. This will help prevent those kids who continue to work even after the timer goes off.
Using the answer keys provided, grade each student’s test. These printable answer keys make grading the tests quick and easy.
You can also allow the students to grade their own tests by using the color-coded answer keys.
If you print your multiplication timed tests on colored paper, I recommend using the same colors for the answer keys. This will simplify pairing each test with its corresponding answer key.
You can laminate your answer keys to make them more durable or place them in clear plastic sleeves and organize them in a binder or folder.
While grading the tests, when a student passes the math fact test, you will highlight, “next test” that is located by the score box. If the student does not pass their math fact test, you will highlight, “try again.”
When a student passes a test, mark an X on the Teacher Recording Sheet in the box of the math fact test they passed. This will help you keep a running record on how each student is doing.
When you give the timed test again, any students that passed their test will move on to the next math fact level. Any student that did not pass, will try again on their current math fact level.
When a student passes a level, give them the corresponding reward tag.
Each reward tag has a cute riddle!
A book ring is a great way to help students keep their tags organized and attached together.
Kids LOVE earning these reward tags!
Another fun thing I included in my multiplication timed test program is a math fact fluency wall display. It’s so simple to setup!
All you have to do is copy the letters and numbers on different colored paper, laminate and cut them out, then attach them to your bulletin board.
You can find the colored paper I used
Each time a student successfully passes a multiplication math fact test, have them sign their name with a Sharpie on the corresponding number located on the bulletin board.
This not only helps track each student's progress, but it also helps celebrate and recognize their achievements along the way.
This math fact bulletin board is a fun and interactive way to motivate students to improve their math fact skills. It can also create a heathy sense of competition among students.
Be sure to hang or place your multiplication timed tests near your bulletin board for easy access.
Have each student continue working at their own level and pace until they complete all the facts in the multiplication timed test program. Once a student has passed all the multiplication timed tests, they will earn the Math Fact Master Certificate!
Students can track their own progress using any one of the four tracking sheets.
Tracking Graph Sheet: Each student can fill out their own tracking sheet, simply by writing the number of multiplication facts they have correctly answered on their test in the appropriate box on the chart. If the student has passed the test, they will color in the box green; otherwise, they will color it red.
This tracking sheet serves as a great visual, which can be shared with parents during parent-teacher conferences, highlighting how their child is performing on their tests and how many attempts were required to pass each test.
Color Sheet: Students will simply color in each number once they have passed the corresponding math fact test, making it easy for them to keep track of which tests they have passed and which test they are currently working on.
Sticker Chart: To use these sticker charts, simply print them on cardstock paper and give one to each student.
Once a student has passed a math fact test, reward them with a sticker and have them write the date they passed the test on their score card. This helps students track their progress AND the time it takes for them to pass each test.
Punch Cards: Simply print the punch cards on colored paper and laminate them for extra durability. When a student passes a math fact test, they will receive a punch on their card. You can use a regular hole punch or you can purchase one with a fun punch design such as a star or heart. When a student has received all the required punches, they will be rewarded with a special prize for reaching the star box!
These star hole punches were purchased at Hobby Lobby.
This multiplication timed test program is an excellent resource for any teacher looking to improve their students’ math fact fluency.
Due to an overwhelming number of requests, I've now added 4 different versions of the half-page tests. Each version has the problems written in a different order.
These are great if you want to mix up the tests so your students can't just memorize the order of the answers. Simply print the different versions, mix them together, and add them to your brochure holders.
You can have your students do test A on Monday, test B on Tuesday, test C on Wednesday, test D on Thursday and the full-page test on Friday.
Everything you need is in a simple print-and-use download! You can find it HERE! Click HERE to check out my other Timed Test Programs.
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