With parent/teacher conferences right around the corner I
thought I would share one important handout I give to a lot of my parents
during Spring conferences.
It seems like this is the time of year where first graders
who are fluent readers really start taking off with their reading and children
who are struggling with reading fluency really start to lag behind.
Since reading fluency is such an important skill to build, I
talk a lot about reading fluency with those parents who have a child struggling
in that area during Spring conferences.
I like to give out this brochure because it really helps me discuss
what reading fluency is and why it’s important for their child to have.
This reading fluency
brochure is a simple, print-and-go resource to give parents to provide them
with information and tips on how to foster reading fluency at home.
The inside of the
brochure describes what reading fluency is, why it's important, and lists ways
parents can help improve their child's reading fluency at home.
The back of the brochure
gives parents fun sight word activities to do at home with their child to help
build reading fluency.
Simply print these two
pages front to back then fold the paper to create a tri-fold brochure.
Not only is this
brochure helpful to handout and discuss during Parent/Teacher conferences, it’s
also great at IEP meetings, RTI meetings, etc.
I like to attach some
sight word flash cards with this handout for a great fluency building
homework packet.

You can read more about my printable sight word flash cards HERE!
Parents walk away from
conferences feeling like they have an easy plan in place to help their child practice
and build their reading fluency at home.
Click HERE to download my Reading Fluency Brochure from my TpT Store!
Click HERE to download my Dolch flash card set!
Click HERE to download my Fry flash card set!
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