Wednesday, January 3, 2018

For TpT Sellers

This December I made it my goal to finally get my Teachers Pay Teachers Seller Information organized.  I've been a TpT Seller since 2011 so I figured it was about time for me to get organized!

I put together a one-inch binder with all the information I need and use all the time.  Here is a look into my binder...

TwT stands for Teaching with Terhune!

Everything I need is in this binder!

Each section in my binder has a cover page with a tab attached so I can easily find and access the information.

This section of my binder is for my product information.  I have my products listed with columns to indicate when I've updated the product, promoted the product, blogged about it, and shared it in my notes to followers on TpT.  I simply write the date in each column when I've done one of the steps.

Here I have a step-by-step list on what it takes to complete a product.  This really helps me so I don't forget to do something!

I am trying to get better about blogging.  My goal is to do at least one blog post a week.  I've included the beginning date of each week on this form.  Hopefully this will keep me on track with blogging.

I've just started sending out a newsletter/note to followers to my TpT followers.  This form helps me keep track of when I send one out and what information I've included in it so I don't repeat myself each month.

This next part in my binder helps me track all the TpT sale dates (like the Back to School Sale, Bonus Sales, etc.) and monitor how I did during those sales.

I've just started to keep track of my followers.  This form will help me see if I have gained any followers over the months.


I've made it my goal to try to work more on my TpT stuff on a regular basis.  This form with help keep me accountable for the new products and updated products I've worked on that month.  Hopefully this will push me to do more each and every month.

 On this page I will keep track of my total sales and total earnings for each month.

 This page helps me quickly see how my sells have done each year.

I've also included all the information in my binder to help me when I do my payroll each month.  I have a step-by-step guide on what I need to do when paying my state and federal taxes, unemployment taxes, and all that other fun stuff.

I also include a monthly list of things I need to make sure I do for business stuff, payroll, etc.

The last page in my binder has a compiled list of all my login information for all the different sites I use.

Finally, I have some Excel spreadsheets on my computer that keep the information for my expenses and mileage for each year. I use Excel for those documents so it can easily keep track of the totals for me.  That way I don't have to add all those numbers together at the end of the year!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! This looks like it would be very helpful for new sellers. Is the packet available to purchase?

