Thursday, November 24, 2011

Student Organization

Here are just some of the ideas I use in my classroom to help keep my students organized:

Each student has a "Work in Progress" Folder in their desk.  They use this folder to put any unfinished work in.  Anytime throughout the day that they have time, they are to get this folder out and finish any work in it.  This really helps the students keep from shoving papers in their desk.

I really don't let the students keep much in their desk.  They have their "Work in Progress" folder, journal, 1 book, headphones, and pencil box with crayons.  Any other additional supplies are kept in my supply bins.  They will get the supplies only when they need them and then put them back.

Around December the name tags on the student desks start to look horrible. They start peeling up and coming off. I take them off the desks and the students just use the number on the back of their chair to know where they sit.

They store their center folders (yellow for literacy centers and blue for math centers) in their numbered spot on the pocket chart.

These pencil bins prevent the students from sharpening their pencils in the middle of your lesson.

This is the restroom break system I have.  When the green sign is posted the students may move their number next to the restroom sign and take the pass and go.  If the red sign is up, then they may not leave the classroom to take a break.  Unless of course it is an emergency.  This prevents students from raising their hand and asking to go to the restroom in the middle of your lesson.

These bins are used to place each students work in after it is graded.  The students take home their graded work placed in their numbered spot at the end of each week.  I purchased these bins at Sams.

These numbered bags are used to place different student materials in that you might need in the middle of a lesson.  Instead of having to pass out each of the supplies you can have what each student needs in their bag at all times. They just grab their bag and come to the carpet or to their desk.  It makes things so easy!  I bought these bags from Oriental Trading.  I dicut the numbers out of material and then had my mom sew them on.

These are the student portfolios I keep during the school year.  I put important paperwork, progress reports, daily work, etc. in each of the student's portfolio.  To keep the papers divided by month I have the students color each cardstock paper divider and then place it into their portfolio.

Each student has a daily binder that goes home each day with important information, notes, etc.  The calendar shows important events and the student's behavior for that day.

I hope you enjoyed looking at my ideas.  If you have any questions on how I do things, please let me know!


  1. I really like your number bags! What a cute idea :) Have a great weekend :)

    Lisa :) (new follower)
    Made In The Shade In Second Grade

  2. I love how organized you are!! I think my students need another lesson on how to use their work in progress folder! Still shoving unfinished work in their desks!

  3. I love your blog! You have great ideas and the organization tips are amazing! I look forward to seeing more of your projects.

    Thank you,


  4. Loving these ideas! Thanks for sharing!! Now following your blog :)

    Following Optimism in 2nd Grade

  5. So helpful! Love the ideas for student organization. K.
    I often help students 1-1 on desk organization:

  6. I just found your blog and am SUPER inspired by your organization!! Thanks for sharing!
    To The Square Inch

  7. I love organization ... Wanted to share this with you. I have a milk crate type box with file folders. Each file folder has a student name on them. I have the students place daily work here until it is graded to be sent home or to be placed in the students portfolio.

  8. I love organization... I thought I would share this with you.. I keep a milk crate type box open side up with file folders that have each students name on it.

    The students file daily work here till it is graded to send home or to be placed in the students portfolio..


  9. Hi I have been following your blog and have given you the Leibster award come on over to my page to get your award button

  10. I love all of your organizational ideas! I'm your newest follower!! I'd love it if you checked out my blog too.

    Krazy About Kiddos

  11. Just found your blog through pinterest and love the organization ideas especially the work in progress! I am your newest follower!

    Apples and Papers

  12. Fabulous ideas! I will be keeping your blog bookmarked as a great resource!!!

  13. I absolutely love your organization ideas! I am a kindergarten teacher and I have to be organized :). The student totes that you made are adorable and such a great idea! Does it ever get cluttered with their tote, back pack, and coat?

  14. I go to school at NWOSU. I am almost ready to student teach, I was wondering if you hve any tips to stay organized from here on out.

  15. Okay, I have to long did it take you to organize everything?! Finding the time to get it all done has always been my problem!

    1. It really doesn't take long. I usually go up to the school during the summer.

  16. I am just wondering if you have 2 sets of hooks in your room? I love the bags and want to use them in my classroom for "center" bags. But I only have 1 set of hooks. Where do the students place there backpacks.

    1. No, I only have one set of hooks. The students hang their backpacks on the same hooks. It works just fine. :)

  17. I LOVE your organizing and every year I organize another part of my room. I would love to see your whole classroom. Like pics from all angles of the room. Could you please post them. I found your log from Pinterest and I have pinned so many of your pics. Keep up the awesome work.

    1. Thank you! I plan on posting some new classroom pics this summer once I get my classroom set up for next year. :)

  18. I loved your organization and am wondering where I can find the binder cover which says THROUGH MY FIRST GRADE YEAR,it's soo cute

    Enjoy Teaching English

    1. Thank you! I just found cute computer paper and printed it on there. The binder had the clear plastic covers that I just slide the computer paper into. :)

  19. I just found your blog on Pintrest and LOVE your organizing tips. I teach in Russellville, AR and am now following along : ) Love the blog!

  20. I LOVE all of your organization!! Your portfolios are also super cute! I would like to do that this year! Could you please share where you got the monthly dividers from? Did you make them yourself?

    1. Sarah,have a look here

  21. What materials do you have in each numbered bag? I would love to put them together this summer!!


  22. Fantastic organization ideas!! I'm going into my third year teaching, and I really appreciate you sharing what's worked for you :) Thanks!

  23. I absolutely LOVE the numbered bags for dry erase boards and markers... I used 2 gallon zipper bags this year--but I think this will be easier than passing out the bags. Do you remember which bags they were from Oriental Trading? Thanks so much for the inspiration!!
    Karen :o)
    Mrs. Stamp's Kindergarten

  24. So. . . I think we should move to Oklahoma when my daughter is in first grade! I love your organization. It's amazing. You are one dedicated teacher.

  25. Great ideas! Really like the use of the pocket chart. That would be a great way for me to organize my students' speech folders. Thanks!

  26. This is so awesome!!! ( echo Awesome!!! Awesome!!)

  27. Old post - still inspiring teachers!

  28. This is amazing blog,i never had seen earlier this type of article which contain lots of important information...
